How To Stay Hydrated: Why Is It Important And What Can Help You With It?

Hydration is not just quenching thirst with a glass of water. It's the fuel that your body requires on regular basis to function optimally.

how to stay hydrated

Water makes up almost 60-70% of human body weight. That says a lot about how much our bodies rely on water to function properly. After a quick run or a steamy badminton match, you want a glass of water or your favorite sports drink. We hydrate ourselves when we get thirsty, but that is not ideal since the thirst signal is a warning sign of your body warming up and being prone to dehydration. You don’t wait for your phone’s battery to flash red before charging it, and you shouldn’t wait for your body to do the same when it comes to hydration. Let us discuss some major key factors on how to stay hydrated.

Benefits of Hydration are Far More Than One may Imagine

how to stay hydrated with water

Hydration affects body temperature prevents infections, keeps joints lubricated and organs functioning properly. Not only that but staying hydrated also helps you with sleep, mood, better digestion of food, brain function, and physical performance.

As Howard MD said;

“Healthy hydrated cells are the key to ageless skin and a healthy body”

Why We May Get Dehydrated?

dehydration symptoms

Staying in the sun for an extended period of time, living in hot climates, participating in sports, or performing other activities that cause lots of sweating necessitates an even greater need to stay hydrated.

Most of the time thirst is our cue to get up and go get a glass of water, however in a medical condition called adipsia, one may experience a lack of thirst in the presence of dehydration, making it even more difficult to stay hydrated. Older adults also have reduced thirst signals.

Nonetheless, you should make a concerted effort to keep yourself hydrated.

How to Know If You are Dehydrated?

Dehydration is the absence of a sufficient amount of water in the body. A study conducted on the relationship between dehydration and cognitive performance discovered that long-term water restriction affects short-term memory, vigilance, and reaction time.

Look for the following cues to know if your body is telling you to drink more water.

  • Dry mouth and tongue.
  • Peeing less than normal.
  • Dark-colored urine.
  • Headache.
  • Sluggishness and lack of energy.
  • Feeling dizzy, irritated, or confused.
  • Drowsiness.

How Much Hydration Does Your Body Require?

The arbitrary rule of drinking eight to ten glasses of water per day doesn’t apply to everyone because some of us need more hydration than others. Your fluid intake is determined by your size and weight. As a general rule, you should drink half an ounce to an ounce of water for each pound you weigh.

The arbitrary rule of drinking eight to ten glasses of water per day doesn’t apply to everyone because some of us need more hydration than others. Your fluid intake is determined by your size and weight. As a general rule, you should drink half an ounce to an ounce of water for each pound you weigh.

10 Usefull Tips On How To Stay Hydrated

Hydration is more than just drinking water. Lots of other beverages and foods are also excellent hydration for the body. A few beverages like alcohol may even act as dehydrators and should be avoided in large amounts. Replenish your thirst with the following fluids and make them a part of your routine.

1. Water for Quick Hydration Treat

Drinking water is the fastest way for most of us to stay hydrated. It is odorless, tasteless, has no calories, and doesn’t cost you a penny.

Keeping a water bottle with you at all times serves as an easy reminder for you to drink water. But sometimes, you may have severe signs of dehydration and need professional help. In such cases, considering IV hydration in Philadelphia services could provide a more targeted approach. IV hydration involves the administration of fluids, electrolytes, and essential nutrients directly into the bloodstream, offering a faster and more efficient way to rehydrate the body.

2. Smoothies for Summers

smoothies in summers

It can get boring to drink plain water all the time, so smoothies can rescue you in that case.

They are mostly made of fruits and vegetables which contain a large amount of water themselves.

Next time in the hot summers, don’t forget to sip on your hydrating berry green smoothie while getting sun-kissed.

3. Sports Drinks at Times of Exercise or Running

how to stay hydrated during workout

If you engage in physical activities, sports drinks are your go-to.

Intensive exercises and workouts can make you dehydrated and energy deficient. Sports drinks can provide a solution to both these problems.

Hypotonic sports drinks are the most hydrating in this case. They are designed specifically to quickly replace the fluids lost through sweat during vigorous physical activity. Athletes keep special diet routines and sports drinks help them stay energetic as well as hydrated.

Suggested: Diamond Push-Up

4. Soup to Keep You Hydrated in Winters

soup for hydration in winters

When you are sick, soup provides you with energy, but it is also excellent for hydration. You may drink water less when you are sick, in that case, this simple broth saves you from dehydration.

Soup is a good option to stay warm and hydrated, especially during cold winter days.

5. Coffee for Those Who Thrive on it

winters coffee hydration

Your regular dose of coffee may not be the best beverage for replenishing your fluid stores but it can hydrate you. Coffee can cause you to pee more but it has a net hydrating effect on the body. Iced tea, in particular, can be a good option to quench your thirst if you are in the mood for coffee.

6. Milk for Hydration in Children

how to stay hydrated with milk

It may not seem like the first option to quench your thirst but milk is surprisingly very hydrating. This simple drink contains sodium and potassium, the major electrolytes required for hydration. Study shows, that cow milk is better for hydration in children than plain water.

However, milk in case of lactose intolerance, vomiting, and diarrhea should be avoided.

Also Read: Healthy Habits for Kids – A Definitive Guide for Parents!

7. Tea as a Decaffeinated Option for Hydration

tea for hydration

Green tea, black tea, and different types of herbal teas such as rose tea, hibiscus tea, or chamomile tea are very good options for decaffeinated hot beverages to keep your hydration score good, not to mention their nourishing effects on skin. To make it more appealing to your taste buds, you can add natural flavors such as lemon or lime juice to your tea.

8. Carbonated Drinks

hydrated cold drinks

Sparkling water can be counted as a source of hydration, according to New York Times. However other fizzy drinks like Cola may only quench your thirst and don’t help you achieve hydration.

Also Read: Tap Water Vs. Bottled Water

9. Oral Rehydration Solutions (ORS) In case of Vomiting & Diarrhea

Oral Rehydration Solutions (ORS)

In case of diarrhea and vomiting, we not only lose water but also some important electrolytes necessary for fluid balance and other functions. Moreover, plain water cannot provide us with the essential salts required to maintain hydration. In these times, oral rehydration solutions can come in handy. These formulas are also available in sachets and flavored forms. They are rich in electrolytes such as sodium and potassium.

If you don’t want to buy market-based oral hydration solutions, no worries. It is quite easy to make an oral rehydration solution at home.

All you need is:

  • 1-liter clean water.
  • 6 teaspoons of sugar.
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt.

Thoroughly mix sugar and salt in the water and your ORS drink is ready. It should be used within 12 hours if kept at room temperature and 24 hours if kept refrigerated.

10. Foods That Help You Stay Hydrated

low fructose fruits for hydration

Everyone doesn’t enjoy drinking smoothies and skimmed milk and for those of you who don’t, there are plenty of foods available to keep you healthy and hydrated. The following two methods will help you stay hydrated without using water.

1. Watery Fruits

Fruits are a sweet and refreshing way to stay hydrated. Watermelon is almost 92 percent water, science says. It is also quite low in calories and can be easily added to your diet.

Strawberries, peaches, oranges, and cantaloupe are all high in water content and contribute well to your body’s fluid needs. Low fructose fruits are a good option for people who watch their sugar intake but don’t want to miss out on the hydration benefits of fruits.

2. Fluid Replenishing Veggies

Vegetables contain minerals that help your body retain water in a better way than having plain water alone. Cucumber, Zucchini, eggplant, broccoli, Iceberg lettuce, Tomatoes, and red cabbage are all good options for keeping your body hydrated.

Next time don’t forget to add cucumber and tomato slices to keep yourself hydrated.

Final Words

Hydration is a form of self love for your body. Don’t deprive yourself of it. We wish you hydration and the well being that comes with it!

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Dr Asma Talha is a doctor by profession and a writer at heart. She is curious about human psyche and all that it has to offer. She is currently preparing to pursue her medical career in Germany.