Home Health


Guides from general health to mental health issues, wellness advice, fitness tips and much more at SpoliaMag

adrenaline rush
Are you sick of your lifestyle’s monotony? Want to see some thrill in your life? Good! You know life is a blend of pleasures and sorrows and yours is no exception. Nature has gifted man with a lot of hormones or neurochemicals to enable him to handle positive and...
surgery advancements
Medicine is a constantly evolving field, a feature that is necessary for the continued provision of optimal care. One particular area that has recently seen lots of exciting developments is the surgical field. In this article, you’ll discover the top 5 ground-breaking tech based developments that have been introduced into...
how many calories does 15000 steps burn
Hold on for a second and look at your posture. Is it correct right now? Or have you been sedentary for many hours now, sitting idle in front of the screen? Consider moving around a bit or taking your dog on a walk in the neighborhood. Sounds healthy for both...
things to boost mood
Both your mental and physical wellness are interconnected; your physical health can impact the way you feel. Feeling anxious or disheartened by some situations in life is common. If you experience melancholy that doesn't go away after a few weeks, you can be depressed. Sadness is curable, so if...
Health Monitoring Devices
It really can't be overemphasized how important it is to take good care of your well-being in our fast-paced environment. Folks can now access a variety of health surveillance gadgets due to the swift development of technology in healthcare. Thanks to these technologies, people everywhere can now closely monitor...
digital healthcare trends
Accelerating technological advancements and the demand for lower-cost treatments with superior medical results are driving the swift change in the healthcare sector. Future developments in telemedicine, artificial intelligence (AI), remote surveillance devices, and the growing demand for cybersecurity will be at the forefront of healthcare trends based on the...
low calorie lemonade
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade! Because there is nothing better than a refreshing glass of homemade lemonade on a hot day, right? When the sun is above your head breathing fire, all you need is the tangy and cool lemonade to soothe your soul. While the classic lemonade...
How to do a Diamond Push up-SpoliaMag
Today, we are going to tell you about an amazing push up that can do wonders in building your body. Diamond push-up or diamond shape push-ups or triangle pushups are perfect for working specifically on your triceps. So, to help you in working on your upper body, especially your...
