Common Dog Health Issues and Combat Strategies

common dog health issues

Dog health issues can be scary, but they are also common and treatable.

With the rising dog ownership across the United States, it becomes essential to identify and manage these issues. According to sources 68% of American households own pets which are predominately dogs. This figure indicates that more people are getting dogs than ever before and that means more people are dealing with common health issues in their dogs.

How to Combat These 4 Common Dog Health Issues

Common Dog Health Issues

Luckily, there are solutions to these problems, allowing your dog to live a long and healthy life. We’ll go over some of the most prevalent canine health problems in this article, along with ways to manage them.

1. Arthritis

Since our pets are like members of the family, we want to ensure their well-being. It’s not always simple, though.

In dogs, arthritis is a common medical condition. In fact, 20% of all dogs have canine arthritis, according to the official data. That’s why it’s so important to understand how this disease works and what you can do to prevent or treat it.

When the cartilage in your dog’s joints deteriorates and inflames, it can lead to arthritis, a degenerative joint disease. This disease can be caused by injury or infection, but it can also develop over time as part of your pet’s natural aging process.

Fortunately, there are methods for managing arthritis in your dog.

Firstly, ensure an adequate amount of exercise. This can help reduce the pain they feel from arthritis by increasing blood flow and muscle strength. The more they move around, the better it will be for them.

Second, reduce your dog’s weight. If they are overweight or obese, this can increase the amount of strain on their joints when they walk or run around. It also makes it harder for them to get around when they have arthritis because it causes more stress on their joints than usual.

Thirdly, give them supplements that help with pain management, like glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate. These two supplements have been shown to improve joint health in dogs with osteoarthritis (or OA). They work by helping strengthen cartilage so it’s less likely to break down over time which will not only help keep your dog mobile but also improve their quality of life.

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2. Upset Stomach

An upset stomach is a common health problem in dogs. It can be caused by any number of things: dietary changes, food allergies, stress, or even the dog’s environment. Understanding how to manage a dog’s upset stomach is crucial, irrespective of the cause.

It can be challenging to identify a dog’s upset stomach, especially if you haven’t dealt with this problem before. The symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, excessive panting and drooling, lack of appetite, depression, or lethargy. If your dog exhibits any of these symptoms, you should get in touch with your veterinarian right away to have them checked out.

If your vet tells you that your dog needs medication like Pepto Bismol to treat his upset stomach, make sure that you follow all instructions while administering Pepto Bismol for dogs. carefully so that you don’t make things worse by giving him too much or too little medication at once. Pepto Bismol is safe for dogs and will help soothe their stomachs without causing any harm. However, make sure you use this medicine with your vet’s recommendations.

Your vet may recommend changing the kind of food you feed your dog or giving him some medicine that will settle his stomach. If none of those work, try adding some fiber to his diet. You can buy fiber supplements at any pet store and add them to your dog’s food every day until they feel better.

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3. Heartworm

Heartworm is a disturbing condition that can affect both dogs and cats. It’s transmitted by mosquitoes, so it’s a threat to your pet even if you live in a cold climate.

Heartworm is particularly problematic for dogs, though. If a dog contracts the disease, it can cause damage to the heart and lungs. It can also cause other health problems like coughing or difficulty breathing.

The Companion Animal Parasite Control Council forecasts that the average number of heartworm cases in 2022 will be higher than usual. This is not good news for the millions of dogs who have already contracted the disease or are at risk of contracting it.

The best way to combat heartworm is with preventative medication. Now is the time to start your dog on heartworm prevention if you haven’t already. Talk to your veterinarian about which medications would be best for your dog’s age and health condition.

If your dog already has heartworm, there are several available treatments. Your veterinarian will discuss these options with you based on your dog’s condition and whether or not they’ve been treated before.

4. Ear Infection

Ear infections are a common health problem in dogs. The American Kennel Club estimates that 20% of dogs have ear infections that can affect either one or both ears. This is a statistic that should be taken seriously because it means that 1 in 5 dogs could be suffering from an untreated ear infection.

Long-term moisture buildup in the ear canal, which can cause swelling and inflammation, is the main cause of ear infections in dogs. This can also cause itching and irritation inside your pooch’s ears.

If your dog is showing signs of an ear infection, there are a few things you can do to treat the condition.

First, check your dog’s ears for excessive wax or debris. If you find any, gently remove it with a cotton swab or clean cloth so that it does not build up inside your dog’s ear canal. Next, make sure that you give your dog plenty of fresh water each day and keep his hair short enough so that dirt and debris cannot get trapped inside his ears.

If your dog has an excessive amount of wax in his ears, consult a vet about whether medication is necessary for treatment. You may also need to see a vet if the infection does not go away on its own within two weeks or if it becomes worse during this period.

In Conclusion

We hope you have a better understanding of the common dog health issues that plague our canine companions. These issues can be scary and daunting, but they don’t have to be. By taking the proper steps to prevent these conditions in the first place or by addressing them quickly when they arise, you can help ensure that your dog lives a long, happy life.

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An avid reader of fiction, aspiring writer and editor at SpoliaMag. I wish to share my ideas with the world at large, to bring benefit to those around me and lead a happy and healthy life with snuggles (My cat) by my side. Simple goals, right?