
best lawyer movies
Need some recommendations for good lawyer movies? and why not? There is nothing more exciting than courtroom drama where lawyers are at each others throat trying to prove their client's innocence and the jury's decision will bring salvation to one and ruin to the other. Such high stakes lawyer...
Dazzling London Events
With Summer coming to a close, it’s easy to think that the holiday season is over for another year. But that doesn’t have to be the case! Autumn is a vibrant time, bringing new colours, sites and most importantly, experiences. From Halloween to bonfire night, there’s so much to...
After a terrible year and a half of the pandemic and the implementation of social distancing measures, there has been a huge impact on the entertainment industry. Also, you must be done with staying home in this quarantine reading books, and what not! But now, since the restrictions are on...
vinyl collection
So you want to ditch iTunes (or give it a back seat) and get yourself a good old fashioned record player. Excellent choice. And an increasingly popular one, given the number of music purists and fans of the unique sound records deliver, who have reverted back to vinyl. After...
Movies Based on True Stories
Undoubtedly, nothing captures more aptly the relationship between fact and fiction than this quote. No matter how creative you are, how vast your imagination, there are things we still cannot conjure but which, reality gives us nonchalantly. Of course, some of these like movies based on true stories are...
Some people read books to escape into the world of fantasy, but what if that world actually existed in reality? The experience can be both enlightening and terrifying. Accordingly, there’s a long list of authors who took inspiration from real life events and turned them into books. There are...
Best Movies Based on Books
Indeed, life in quarantine is not easy. Some days, it is even difficult to stay motivated to do daily tasks. Of course, for those kinds of days, it is better to just sit back and chill out with a good movie on your side. In fact, in this article,...
